The Broadway Road Streetscape public art, Hedgerow, pays homage to the hedge of sour orange trees that once lined the north side of the Broadway between Mill Avenue and Rural Road. The privacy wall that has taken their place has been cleverly enhanced by project artists Rebecca Ross and Laurie Lundquist to create the sense of a hedge of orange trees. Within the privacy wall setbacks are 123 steel "tree profiles" and 1,250 square "pixels" in various hues of green and orange, recalling the orange trees that had previously served as a natural divider. Continuing the orange tree motif, Morse Code patterns spell out "orange trees" and "blossoms" in repeated sections.
Funded through the City of Tempe Municipal Arts Fund-Capital Improvement-Art. Collection of City of Tempe Public Art.

Tempe, Arizona, 2016
Rebecca Ross with Laurie Lundquist
Powder-coated steel, masonry block with Morse Code design
8’ x 4” x .5 mile